Printing in different language

Laurent Duperval lduperval at
Thu Apr 6 00:27:44 EDT 2006

I'm back with this.

Derek Atkins wrote:
> There are three possible problems:
> 1) A string is not marked for translation.

This is the case, it seems. For example, the Print Invoice windo has 
these Strings:

- Subtotal
- Charge Type
- Invoice #
- Payment, thank you
- etc.

that aren't translated. I am at version 1.8.11, so maybe that's the problem.

I tried to locate the translated strings file on my (Gentoo) 
installation but I can't figure out which one it is. I was wondering if 
I can take the file in 1.8.12 and just drop it over the 
equivalent in 1.8.11 and maybe more of the interface will be translated.


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Information: laurent at   (514) 902-0186 

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