invoice tax rounding errors

Brian Dolbec brian_dolbec at
Wed Apr 26 03:33:22 EDT 2006

It appears that all the printed/printable invoices have the same
rounding error in the taxes that can cause the posted total to be
different than the printed invoice.  It seems that the printed invoice
is not rounding up or not carrying enough decimals for the additions per
line on an invoice.  Consequently the printed total is 1 cent short from
the actual posted accounts. I think it should carry 4 decimals for the
total, then round it to 2 for display/printing.

I currently have 2 invoices that differ by 1 cent from the customer
report and the printed invoice.  I have not tested my file in the most
recent 1.9.x to see if is still there, but I believe it will be from the
work I did on the fancy invoice.  As I recall  most of the code did not
change in the 1.9.x series, mostly just the initialization routines.

The first one I just thought it was the customers data entry that caused
it, but when I got a second check that did not match the customer
report. I looked into it.

Brian Dolbec <brian_dolbec at>

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