invoice tax rounding errors

Beth Leonard beth at
Wed Apr 26 04:42:14 EDT 2006

On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 12:33:22AM -0700, Brian Dolbec wrote:
> It appears that all the printed/printable invoices have the same
> rounding error in the taxes that can cause the posted total to be
> different than the printed invoice.

It's a known issue:

It occurs when the invoice and tax make the program round a number
which is exactly halfway between two numbers to round to; some parts
of the program round this up (traditional elementary school rounding),
whereas other parts use a "round to even" protocol, rounding it to
the nearest even digit, i.e. 0.00 from 0.005 and 0.02 from 0.015,
never rounding to 0.01 on an exact match of 0.005.  

A work around if it bothers you is to change your tax rate by a small
fraction such that the tax doesn't come out as exactly even anymore
and rounds to the correct value for that invoice.

+                             Beth Leonard                          +
+       O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave              +
+       O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?        +

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