Strange orphan behavior on creating new transactions

Sunil Shetye shetye at
Tue Aug 29 04:01:40 EDT 2006

Quoting from Adam Rosi-Kessel's mail on Sun, Aug 27, 2006:
> I've just started noticing a strange behavior with 2.0.1-1 (in Debian
> Sid).
> Sometimes, when adding a transaction, the transaction disappears
> immediately after I enter it. I have to go look for it, and it turns out
> the half that should have been visible from the account I was in is now
> assigned to Orphan-USD.
> When I edit the transaction with a split and move it back to the account
> it was supposed to come from, the balance for that line always reads 0.00
> no matter what the actual balance is. Subsequent items calculate the
> balance as if that item never happened.
> Seems pretty clearly a bug -- just wondering if anyone else has noticed
> or has ideas about how to avoid.

Edit both the accounts and check if the currency of both the accounts
is the same.

I had a similar problem and found out that the currency of one account
was not in my local currency. In my case, the source of the problem
was the creation of the account itself. Significantly, I had created
the account with 1.8.11, but had noticed the problem only after
upgrading to 2.0.0.

To be safe, I had deleted the problematic account, created it again,
checked its currency, and added back all the entries. If you do not
have too many entries, I would recommend the same. Alternatively, you
could just try editing the currency and report if everything is

Sunil Shetye.

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