Gnucash mac os x and darwinport : error on start

Jaonary Rabarisoa jaonary at
Sat Dec 2 03:05:22 EST 2006

Hi all,
I'd like to use gnucash on my mac. I followed the instruction given in
the wiki to install it with darwinport. The installation seemed
successfull, I didn't notice any specific error or warning.
Now, when I try to run gnucash, it begins by showing me the splash
window that tells : it loading such function. Then after few function
loaded, it breaks and I get the following error :

In unknown file:
   ?: 49* [save-module-excursion #<procedure #f ()>]
   ?: 50  (let (# #) (dynamic-wind # thunk #))
   ?: 51  [dynamic-wind #<procedure #f ()> #<procedure #f ()>
#<procedure #f ()>]
   ?: 52* [#<procedure #f ()>]
   ?: 53* [primitive-load
In /opt/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/account-piecharts.scm:
 460: 54* [for-each #<procedure #f (l)> (# # # #)]
In unknown file:
   ?: 55  (if (null? rest) (letrec ((lp #)) (lp list1)) ...)
   ?: 56  (begin (f (car l)) (lp (cdr l)))
   ?: 57* [#<procedure #f (l)> ("Income Accounts" (income) #t ...)]
In /opt/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/account-piecharts.scm:
 462: 58  (let ((tip-and-rev (cddddr l))) (gnc:define-report (quote
version) 1 ...))
In /opt/local/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
  92: 59  (let ((report-rec #)) (if (and report-rec #) (let* # #) ...))
  92: 60* [args-to-defn #f (version 1 name ...)]
  81: 61  (let ((report-rec #)) (if (null? args) in-report-rec (let # # #)))
  81: 62* (if in-report-rec in-report-rec (blank-report))
  83: 63  [blank-report]
  65: 64  ((record-constructor <report-template>) #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f ...)
  65: 65* [rec-constructor #<record-type <report-template>>]
In /opt/local/lib/slib/record.scm:
 131: 66* (if (not #) (slib:error # "illegal rtd argument." rtd))
 132: 67  [error record-constructor "illegal rtd argument." ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 68  [scm-error misc-error #f ...]

<unnamed port>: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote
misc-error) #f ...):
<unnamed port>: record-constructor "illegal rtd argument."
#<record-type <report-template>>

Any idea ?

Best regards,


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