Problems with Accounts Payable

Laurent Duperval lduperval at
Sun Feb 19 12:06:21 EST 2006

Derek Atkins wrote:

> Go into A/P, turn on Transaction Journal Mode so you see the full set of
> splits for all your transactions, and find the ones that are wrong.
> It's possible that they might show up with an [x] in the register;
> I honestly don't rememeber.  I don't have any of these left in my 
> datafile
> so I can't examine them.

I started to look at these. It was late when I started so I didn't see 
anything -- too tired. I'll go over the numbers tonight.

Is the normal, and desired behaviour, to use split accumulation or not?

Can I turn it off completely so that when I post an invoice, the 
accumulate splits option is set to off? Or should I go back to the 
beginning and repost every single invoice/bill and set accumulate splits 
to true (that's about two years of bills and invoices...)?

> You could take a look at bug #165053 to see what it says...

It says:

Comment 1: it doesn't work
Comment 2: it's fixed. Let's release quick!



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Information: laurent at   (514) 902-0186 

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