Billable items appear in more than one invoice

digger vermont dv_mlist at
Mon Sep 25 10:07:59 EDT 2006

Hello All,

I have billable items showing up in more than one customer invoice.  

Here's what I got:

Create a vendor and customer.
Create "invoice #1" for the customer.
Create "bill #1" for the Vendor charged back to the customer.
Post the Vendor "bill #1".
The billable items show up in the Customer "invoice #1".
Post "invoice #1"
Create customer "invoice #2"
The items from "bill #1" reappear in "invoice #2"

I've checked the mailing lists and bugs for references to this problem
but can't find any. Has anyone else seen this happen?  I'll gladly file
a bug if its not already there somewhere.

I've attached a file that has the problem in it

Thanks for any help,

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