Anybody got aqbanking working on OS X?

David Reiser dbreiser at
Sat Feb 3 22:53:42 EST 2007

On 3 Feb 2007, at 10:30:21 PM, Jeff Carneal wrote:

> Ok, so like I said, I'm new to gnucash.  I just got around today to
> giving the OFX direct connect stuff a shot and I cannot for the life
> of me get aqbanking to behave.
> I've installed version 2.2.6 of aqbanking and libofx 0.8.3 and qt
> 3.3.7.  I got everything to compile, but everytime I try to start the
> AqHCBI wizard the window for it pops up but is completely
> unresponsive.  I cannot select anything, nor click any buttons, nor
> even move the window.  It's like it's caught in an infinite loop and
> will not accept any user input.  Manually running 'qt3-wizard' does
> the same thing, fwiw, so it doesn't appear to be a gnucash problem
> but I figured I ask here anyway.
> I've tried installing with and without qt thread support and both do
> the same thing.  I downgraded to aqbanking 2.2.4 and got the same
> result.  I looked at fink and darwinports but the fink version of
> aqbanking is something like 1.0 beta and darwinports cannot find an
> aqbanking port even though one is listed on their site.

In fink the current version of aqbanking is aqbanking16 (it has been  
declared that the suffix number in a library package is to reflect  
the library compatibility version...) and it is version 2.2.6. Be  
sure to have the crypto branch active, or you might not see it.

I do have it running on my mac (OS X 10.4.8 PPC). I just ran through  
the HBCI setup to trigger the Aqbanking wizard, and that also seems  
to work properly for me (though I didn't test it much tonight). FTR,  
I am also running qt3-3.3.7-1022. The wizard also worked for me in  
most (maybe all) of fink's qt3-3.3.6 incarnations. I'm testing  
against gnucash 2.0.4, though earlier 2.0.x versions have worked for  
me. I also run gnucash trunk against newer aqbanking/ofx (except now  
because aqbanking svn doesn't like libofx cvs much...)

I've been using aqbanking for a long time, so maybe there's a first- 
time-run glitch?

I have the (mis?)fortune of being the fink maintainer for gnucash2  
and most of it's non-gnome dependencies. But I can only test on a  
ppc, since I don't have an intel mac.

Be careful of trying to run both macports and fink - they can get in  
each others' way.

Today I saw a message on the macports list that a recent batch of  
updates has wreaked havoc on some of the gnome libraries. A fix is  
expected this week.

> I don't know what else to try at this point.  Any ideas?
> Jeff
> PS - OS X 10.4.8 with gcc 4.0.1.

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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