cleared transactions and reconcile window (again)

Ethy H. Brito ethy.brito at
Tue Jan 16 17:54:42 EST 2007

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 17:32:41 -0500
Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> >> Is the Reconcile flag wide enough for the column with the checkmarks?
> >> I've on occasion had to make it wider than the screen to see the flags.
> >
> > That's not the case. I can toggle it with the space bar and it is visible
> > field centered. Also the "Total" reconciled is zero which indicates that
> > reconcile window does not see any cleared transaction.
> Please re-verify the settings on Edit -> Preferences -> Register
> The only reason it wouldn't work for you is if that setting is
> turned off.  We're running the same code and it works fine for me.

I am pretty sure it is turned on (just double checked it - turned it of an
then back on). How can I debug this?? In what file is this option saved?

I'd like to make a copy of this data set and delete all transactions I can
to keep the problem accurring and then send it to the list for analisys.

Is there a "safe path" to copy this data set without messing with my real

> Are you sure that you're committing the transaction change before you
> pull up the reconcile window?

Yes. I press RETURN after clicking at the R column.
I repeated the same process and it is working under the new user I created
and run gnucash for.


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