gnucash 2.1.3 on Slackware/Dropline

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 11 13:40:52 EDT 2007

Quoting andy thomas <andy at>:

> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007, Derek Atkins wrote:
> <snip>
>> Sure, but a server environment is not a desktop environment.
>> GnuCash is a desktop application, not a server application.
>> Ergo, users shouldn't run Slackware on a desktop and shouldn't
>> run GnuCash on Slackware.  QED.
> Well that's a faulty reasoning - just about every other desktop 
> application runs fine on Slackware and I would venture to suggest 
> that appllications like gnuscash be written so that they are not 
> dependent on a particular desktop environment (gnome) being 
> installed. No everyone uses desktop environments like KDE and gnome 
> and some users prefer window managers instead.

"just about"?  That implies that there are other apps that don't work, too.
Also, GnuCash does not require a Gnome environment, only the gnome
libraries.  You can run a gnucash in a KDE environment just like you can
run a Qt app like Psi in a gnome enviornment.  This has nothing to
do with the choice of user environments; it has everything to do with
providing the packages so the users can choose to run anything they
want.  Slackware doesn't provide any of the gnome libraries so you
can't run any gnome applications even in a KDE environment -- that's
the complaint.  And my statement still stands; users shouldn't use
Slackware, and they shouldn't come crawling to us when they find
that Slackware doesn't provide the dependencies required to run
applications that Slackware doesn't support.  There are plenty of
other Linux distributions out there.

Anyways, this is way off topic now, so let's let it drop.

I'll just state that in the future I'll gladly help Slackware users
who are willing to pay my normal consulting rate.

> Andy

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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