All transactions from QIF import listed as unspecified ... me too

Donald Allen donaldcallen at
Tue Aug 19 13:07:48 EDT 2008

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Derek Atkins <warlord at> wrote:
> "Donald Allen" <donaldcallen at> writes:
>>> The new matcher, used by OFX, HBCI, CSV, etc, is much more intelligent,
>>> and even includes a Bayesian-style matching system.   But the QIF
>>> importer doesn't use that infrastructure, yet.
>> Derek --
>> I'll add my vote to the importance of the .qif importer using the
>> smart matcher. I import credit card statements every month and obtain
>> those statements as .qif files. It's a pain that essentially every
>> transaction gets mapped to 'Unspecified'.
> No voting necessary..  We need developer cycles to do the migration.
> Do you have any to supply?

I've wanted to contribute to gnucash for awhile now, but have just not
had the time. I will try to make some time and will get back if I'm
successful. Of course, one could make the argument that if I made the
time-investment now in fixing the importer matching, that would save
me time later in dealing with credit card statements, so this might be
a time-saver ultimately :-) Unfortunately, time tends not to be
bankable/borrowable in this way.

> As for txns getting mapped to Unspecified -- you just need to manually
> go through and fix them.  Yes, it's a pain, but I think it's a little
> easier in the importer than post-import.

I've tried it both ways, and for me it's been six of one, half-dozen
of the other. The best trick I've found is to use copy-paste for
multiple transactions that have the same account on the other side,
e.g., Expenses:Auto:Fuel.


>> But I notice that you mention CSV, above, as using the smart matcher.
>> Is there a way to import something like a credit card statement in
>> .csv format, because they are available in that format from many of
>> the credit-card companies. I note that the File->Import menu gives you
>> a choice between importing .qifs or replaying .log files, so I'm
>> guessing the answer to my question is 'no', but thought I'd give it
>> try anyway.
> CSV is in trunk, not in 2.2.  It'll probably be in 2.4, but the
> importer is rather... broken.
>> /Don
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> -derek
> --
>       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
>       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
>       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
>       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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