Where in GnuCash have we to write the unpaid (depts) ?
postmaster at gbenet.com
Fri Dec 5 01:23:07 EST 2008
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Just a note to my other post. If you have credited your bank account
with the money by mistake - make another transaction in your bank
account and transfer (deduct) and credit your debtors (asset) account.
At some point it will cost you money to recover that debt (asset) legal
fees court fees which are an expense. You might employ a debt (asset)
recovery company to get the value of your goods and services back for a fee.
Raphaël Maville wrote:
> If I have an Income which ends to be unpaid, where do I write It in
> GnuCash ?
> Example: Somebody pay me with a check and there is no money in his/her
> accounts, and his/her bank refuse to pay ("wood check" or "rubber
> check"); I had already written the transaction in my Income and Bank
> accounts, the day when I had the check!
> Then: Income Withdraw >> Bank Deposit
> Two proposals:
> 1. Create another asset account, type A/Receive and create a transaction
> to move the money in from the bank account; but this write lines in my
> bank account which are not in the bank statements (I don't like this).
> Then: Income Withdraw >> Bank Deposit >> Bank Withdraw >> A/Receive
> Deposit.
> 2. Change the transaction to set the "automatic" "unbalance" account for
> deposit account
> Then: Income Withdraw >> Bank Deposit Becomes Income Withdraw >>
> A/Receive Deposit
> Another way:
> 3. Set the transaction to be from income to A/Receive until the check is
> accepted by the bank (in the paper or internet statements):
> Then: Income Withdraw >> A/Receive Deposit|Withdraw >> Bank Deposit
> Here: The second transaction from A/Receive to Bank Deposit becomes a
> kind of "reconcile" action.
> What is the best ? Is there another solution ?
> If the money becomes really unpaid, what to do ?
> send it in expenses ?
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