cannot create Income or Expence account

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 29 10:39:16 EST 2008


chishiki <chishiki at> writes:

> Hello Derek,
> Thanks for your response, appreciate the quick response. I was trying to
> create a top level account, the problem was that income and expense account
> types were not available in the "Account Type" section of the "New Account"
> page. Also, the "New Account Hierarchy" page was not populating, there was
> nothing in "Categories", no checkboxes and no account types. Editing
> gnucash.bat resolved this issue I was describing.

I'm afraid that I do not believe you that you were trying to create
a new top-level account.  The "Income" and "Expense" types are most
definitely available *IF* your "Parent" is "New Top Level Account".
But I do not believe that that is the case here.  Can you show a
screen shot of the new account dialog showing this?

> A little background. I wanted to use GnuCash in English on Japanese Windows.
> I was not able to quickly find a way to switch the language within the
> interface itself so I deleted all the resource files except for en-GB (oddly
> enough the .zip did not come loaded with en-US). Non-English resource files
> were deleted from the following directories respectively:
> C:\Program Files\gnucash\share\locale
> C:\Program Files\gnucash\share\gnucash\accounts
> Once they were deleted, and before I edited gnucash.bat, is when I was
> having this problem. Sounds like my fault from the get-go, but thought I'd
> leave this posted in case anybody else does this to themselves.

Correct, you cannot change the language within the interface.
It assumes the system locale.  You can override the locale by
setting the LANGUAGE and/or LANG variables in the gnucash.bat file.

Having deleted all those other files could cause you problems.
I recommend you re-install gnucash to reinstate those files
and then you can re-modify gnucash.bat to act in the correct locale.

> Thanks again for your time!

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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