Unable to use security editor to enlist new stocks for Dhaka Stock Exchange

Robert Smits bob at rsmits.ca
Wed Feb 27 21:00:31 EST 2008

On February 26, 2008 06:52:32 am Derek Atkins wrote:

> It's not our fault people don't read the docs.  And changing the
> interface from the correct one just because people can't read
> docs just does the interface a disservice.  I'm sure that for every
> one person that asks about this there are a hundred who just figure
> it out.  We should cater to the silent majority.

I really must respond to this. For years, now, on many distributions the 
installation of GnuCash does NOT result in being able to read the help files. 
You, Derek have been very helpful to me personally and I appreciate it, and 
so has this listserve but the standard install - at least for opensuse - 
doesn't install the help file. Please don't blame the users for not reading 
non-existant documentation.

And I have tried to follow the convoluted reason why this is so, but don't 
understand it. 

I have downloaded the html help file and printed it off, but I'm not always 
near it, nor is it always current.

Bob Smits bob at rsmits.ca 

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail? 

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