announcement: first stable Version of jPortfolioView

Andreas Reichel andreas.reichel at
Sat Jun 7 06:25:12 EDT 2008

Hi there,

please let me announce the first stable version of jPortfolioView

jPortfolioView is an extension to the famous GnuCash-Project. It reads
your porfolio directly from a GnuCash file and shows the balance, the
profits or losses and the return within a tablegrid.

Further it provides comfortable forms to add new assets directly into
your portfolio. For your convinience, the accounts are defined globaly
as preferences. To add an asset you just need to type the ISIN, the
price, the number of shares and the fees.

Selling an asset is even simpler, as profit/loss is calculated from
previous transactions. Please just insert valuta, shares and price
together with the additional costs and taxes.

Based on the new JavaFX compiler, it's very fast and quite stable and
reliable now.

Any feedback or help is very welcome. Enjoy!

Best regards

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