Reinstall Fink?

ThreeDot matt.schnepf at
Sun Mar 2 23:52:52 EST 2008

Thank you, David. That is exactly what happened. It's works perfectly now.

David Reiser wrote:
> You could try:
> /sw/bin/
> then open a new terminal window and try 'fink selfupdate'
> It looks like removing macports may have done away with your .profile  
> or .tcshrc (or at least 'returned' them to some state that includes  
> neither the macports nor fink environment stuff.
> In particular, it looks like /sw/bin is no longer in your $PATH.
> Dave
> On Mar 2, 2008, at 10:43 PM, ThreeDot wrote:
>> Thanks for the response. With any 'fink' command in the terminal,  
>> the error
>> is "-bash: fink: command not found".
>> David Reiser wrote:
>>> On Mar 2, 2008, at 6:34 PM, ThreeDot wrote:
>>>> After upgrading to OS X 10.5 last fall I installed MacPorts so that
>>>> I could
>>>> build and manage GnuCash. I never got it running and eventually
>>>> switched
>>>> over to Fink. I recently removed MacPorts and now Fink no longer  
>>>> runs.
>>>  Precisely what happens if you try 'fink selfupdate'? The fink-users
>>> mailing list is probably the best bet on this one, since there are
>>> many more people there that know fink's internals a lot better than I
>>> do.
>>>> Is
>>>> there a cross dependancy that I may have deleted when uninstalling
>>>> MacPorts?
>>> Probably. The first install of fink may have used some libraries that
>>> had been built in MacPorts. When you removed Macports, those  
>>> libraries
>>> went away, and fink can no longer use them either. It is possible to
>>> use both fink and macports without entanglement, but neither system's
>>> default setup will let you succeed without problems.
>>>> I tried to reinstall Fink but it insists that I delete /sw or
>>>> install in
>>>> /sw2.
>>>> Does anyone know how I can get my original install of Fink running
>>>> again or
>>>> reinstall it without having to rebuild GnuCash?
>>> I think you don't want to reinstall, because that usually means that
>>> you're ok with blowing the last incarnation away. You could try
>>> renaming /sw, installing a new version, and then moving pieces of the
>>> old directory structure over to the new /sw. But that has some of its
>>> own risks.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ThreeDot
>>> Dave
>>> --
>>> David Reiser
>>> dbreiser at
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