Advice for setting up house budget with roommates

harry_seldon harry.seldon.f at
Tue Mar 25 15:05:05 EDT 2008

OK, I see the autofill. However if the amount is not exactly the same (phone
bill for instance) the computations must be redone. 
It is also possible to simply duplicate a transaction. 

But for my purpose, I would have preferred a sort of macro. Indeed I am not
manually writing the lines. I simply download them from my online banking.
What I would like is to have some rules to apply to a transaction according
to its name. 
For instance when the new line rent is detected in the checking account, the
rules would credit the expense account and debit the other housemates'
accounts of their parts.

It seems that I am getting a little demanding.
Anyway from what I have seen, gnucash is already a great open source


Derek Atkins wrote:
> You can do it the first time by hand.  Then the second time
> you repeat the same description gnucash will autofill in the
> splits as you had them last time.
> GnuCash has no "macro" language.
> -derek
> harry_seldon <harry.seldon.f at> writes:
>> Hi, 
>> I am new to GNUcash. Is there an automatic way to do the repartition
>> between
>> you and your housemates ? Is there any kind of macro in GNU cash ? 
>> It would allow to enter a line in your checking account like "Rent 1000$"
>> and then launching the macro would 
>> - credit the expense
>> - debit of 3/4 the other housemates' asset accounts. 
>> I am doing the same as you to represent the transaction. But there is
>> something I do not like : it is that the total rent expense do not
>> actually
>> appear in the expenses (only 1/4). I do not know how to make it appear
>> without dealing with a too complex transaction.
>> H
>> Jason Ahrens wrote:
>>> Patrick Clery said the following on 29/10/2007 9:23 PM:
>>>> What I would like to know is has anyone here setup a similar system for
>>>> a 
>>>> shared living situation and could share how they did it? We have tried
>>>> to
>>>> set 
>>>> this up except it became redundant having to enter Can anyone recall of
>>>> any 
>>>> similar examples of this in the mailing list archives?
>>> I've done similar but I'm the central bookkeeper for my situation so the
>>> house funds are all tracked through my regular finances. In my
>>> situation, the others don't care about tracking of individual expenses
>>> for  themselves, so what I do is the following (4 people situation):
>>> 1) Create an asset account for each roommate.
>>> 2) When a purchase is made I credit the person who made the purchase for
>>> 3/4 the value in the asset account
>>> 3) I debit everyone else 1/4 the value in the asset account. My 1/4 goes
>>> to the proper expense type for my own tracking.
>>> I pay rent, so Rent comes out of my chequing account and gets charged
>>> appropriately.
>>> 4) When people pay me back, I credit their Asset account either toward
>>> my Cash or Chequing account, as appropriate.
>>> I'm note quite sure how you'd work a house-only account though. You may
>>> need to get into some of the "small business" components...
>>> Jason
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