Could not determine the account currency

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sun May 4 22:47:08 EDT 2008


Quoting "Joel Thibault (Gnucash)" <ie37pjv02 at>:

>> What's the type and commodity of the parent account of this FUND?
>> I bet you have this fund as a top-level account instead of in some
>> "brokerage" parent.
>> > Joel
>> -derek
> Aha.  That does seem to be the problem.  I had the default (money-market)
> fund as a top-level account, with its fund as the default currency, and the
> other funds were sub-accounts of that.  I saw the error for all of the
> funds.  When I created a new Asset account with default currency USD as the
> top-level, and placed all the funds under this, the problem went away.


> But why should my original configuration cause this message to appear?  Was
> I doing something wrong to set it up this way, or are we seeing a bug?

Because there's no way for GnuCash to know exactly what currency to use
in that case..  You're seeing the one remaining corner case for the
solution to a bug.  The solution applied was to walk up the tree to
find the first parent account with a Currency.  The top-level doesn't
have a currency, which is why this fails for your instance, but in
general your case shouldn't happen because the gnucash hierachies should
have a top-level "Brokerage" account.

So is this still a bug?  One could argue either way.  But where we
are now is better than where we were.

I suppose the next stage of the fix would be to apply a currency to
to the top-level (root) account....

> Thanks for your help.
> Joel

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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