Mass invoicing

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 10 16:33:00 EDT 2008


"H.S." <hs.samix at> writes:

> I am in sort of a similar situation. I recently intalled GnuCash on my
> Debian machine to see if it allows to generate yearly invoices for
> customer specifying just the total amount.
> The problem is this (this is in a community organization):
> 1. There is a list of donors who donate to the org. I suppose each donor
> is going to have an account. I am just not sure what kind of account is
> it supposed to be, AR, Income, Assets? The account must have the
> telephone number and the address of the donor.
> 2. Whenever a donor donates, the donation gets recorded as a transaction.
> 3. At the end of a year, we are supposed to generate an invoice or
> receipt for the donor. The receipt must have donor's address and tel.
> number and the total amount he donates in the past year. Further, three
> copies of this data are needed. Best option would be to somehow print
> them all on one sheet so that, for example, the donor can tear one part
> out and send it to the govt. for tax deductions.
> So, is the above scenario really related to this thread? If not, I will
> start another one.
> However, if this is already possible in GnuCash, could someone give me
> pointers to online documentation which describes how to go about doing
> this sort a thing.

There is nothing in GnuCash to do this as-is..  It would require
a specialized report, I think.

> Regards.

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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