Question about multiple currencies

John M Collins jmc at
Tue Oct 14 11:05:24 EDT 2008

Please CC to jmc AT xisl DOT com as I'm not subscribed.

I'm having a bit of a problem with GNUcash in that the trial balance is
out of balance when various transactions are done in multiple

I've got most of the accounts in £ sterling with some in Euros and some
in US$

I've been careful to account for sums in US$ including accounts
receivable etc. But the problem is when the bank converts between
currencies and I use "transfer" it lets me put in whatever rate the bank
has given but keeps all the other accounts showing the original
conversion rate. I think that something should be posted to a "currency
variations" account.

I've ended up with a significant difference in the columns of the "trial
balance" account.

Can anyone suggest how I can get the trial balance into order without
deleting all the transactions?


John Collins Xi Software Ltd

Tel: +44 (0)1707 886110 (Direct)
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