consolidate 2 imported transactions into one?

Matt Price matt.price at
Sat Feb 21 12:41:03 EST 2009

hi again,

i've just imported a bunch of transactions into gnucash from a couple of
accounts and am running into aproblem when money moves from one account
into another.  so for instance:

At bank A I have a checking account.  I uses a check to pay for my Visa
bill at Bank B.  When I import the data into gnucash -- i can't do it
online, i have to download .ofx files --- thr are two transactions:  a
withdrawal (credit?) from my checking acccount to Imbalance, and a
payment (debit?) to my Visa card, again from Imbalance.  Can I tell
gnucash that these two transactions are the same thing?  Or do i have to
manually delete one, and then manually edit the other?  i'm worried that
if i do delete one, a subsequent import might mess up my accounting.  



Matt Price
matt.price at

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