Multi-company accounting

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Thu Feb 26 07:13:11 EST 2009

>So far no one has mentioned the legal aspects.
>I have no idea what the situation is in Eire, but in Australia I am obliged to 
>keep absolutely separate books for each tax-registered entity.
I wasn't commenting on that aspect, but Elizabeth is certainly correct 
that there might be legal considerations. Not just of the "required to" 
sort. Presumably the structure as separate companies is for the purpose 
of being able to argue that these ARE separate entities and that this is 
no just a sham arrangement. Then there are considerations of due 
diligence. If the software did handle it all as one, how could you have 
multiple treasurers/bookkeepers each responsible for his or her entity?


There is no possibility of social justice on a dead planet except the equality of the grave.

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