Dealing with overpayments and credits

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 9 09:48:32 EST 2009


Robert G Palmer Jr <robertpalmerjr at> writes:

> I've searched the archives and did not find a good answer, so here goes.
> First, a side question: Is is OK to post a payment for MORE than the  
> total of any existing invoices?
> - I know about the auto splitting of payments, but what happens if I  
> post an invoice for, $10, so the customer owes $10, then I post a  
> payment of $15? Is that OK?  The system WILL track the overpayment,  
> correct?

Yes, GnuCash will track the overpayment.

> Now the main question.
> I'm using GnuCash to manage the expenses for a soccer team.  At the  
> beginning of each season I create an invoice for what I THINK it is  
> going to cost to attend a number of tournaments during the season.   
> But near the end of the season, I may need to credit all of the  
> players some amount because either, the tournament was cancelled due  
> to weather, so we didn't go, or the expenses for the tournament were  
> less than expected.  I have a couple of questions based on the scenario.
> Options:
> 1. Unpost the invoice and add a new line item for the credit (I  
> thought of this AND found a post with this suggestion)
> 2. Is there a way to just post a "credit" to the customer I tried  
> issuing a negative payment, but that won't work.
> Finally,
> Is the Customer Report the only way to view all transactions related  
> to a customer?

Yes.   Well, there is the aging report but that only gives you
a summary.

> Thanks in advance
> Robert

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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