Installing GnuCash on Mac without X11 (using MacPorts)

Charles Day cedayiv at
Tue Jan 20 17:28:44 EST 2009

On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 10:12 PM, Martin Preuss <aquamaniac at> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Montag, 5. Januar 2009, Charles Day wrote:
> > On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Dennis Muhlestein
> [...]
> > Perhaps you could comment, Martin? If we are trying to build aqbanking
> for
> > an application that doesn't use X11, is it reasonable to eliminate
> > cbanking, qbanking, and qt3 from the aqbanking build? Do you think this
> > would this break other applications that use aqbanking, assuming they
> were
> > also intentionally built without any dependency on X11?
> [...]
> It is perfectly alright to build AqBanking without X11 support. In fact,
> I'm
> doing it myself (my application "aqbanking-cli" is a command line utility,
> so
> it doesn't need X11).
> The only drawback is that without the QT3 frontend there is no graphical
> setup
> tool for AqBanking...
> BTW: There is no GTK2 frontend since AqBanking3; The only application using
> it
> was grisbi and since collaboration with the grisbi developers wasn't that
> fruitfull I dropped it. Gnucash has it's own frontend so it isn't effected.

MacPorts currently supports version 3.8.1. Martin, could you answer a few
questions about this version?

-Can I safely eliminate the "g2banking" front end in all cases? This doesn't
exist any more, right?

-Is qbanking the only front end that depends on X11?

-What is the "fbanking" front end? I see it in the src tree but it isn't
described in the README. Does it need X11 or Qt?


> Regards
> Martin
> --
> "Things are only impossible until they're not"
> Martin Preuss -
> AqBanking -
> LibChipcard -

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