Changing menu language on Mac

James Wilde james.wilde at
Wed Nov 25 09:58:59 EST 2009

John, I've not got around to thanking you for your help on this one, largely because I haven't had time to really delve into the bash file.  Now I have - I basically commented out all the logic round the locale selection apart from the line where US-en.UTF-8 is selected in the absence of anything else, and there were all my buttons and menus in English again.

So thanks for your help.  See also the comment under the section on bugginess below.


On Nov 14, 2009, at 00:28 , John Ralls wrote:

> Sure. Just edit It's a unix (bash) shell script.
> But the defaults commands are just reading back what you put in the Languages and Text system prefs box and the startup script turns them into environment variables for GC to use. If you're comfortable writing shell scripts you'll see pretty quickly what's going on.
>> As to buggy, it's early days, but some of the windows appeared to be fixed together in a strange manner, for example the hints at start screen disappeared off to the left when the main window opened, and then suddenly followed the main window when I moved that.  One or two other windows opened behind the main window.  Not sure they were GC windows.  I haven't started posting to accounts yet, but I had a job to get my data from the Ubuntu machine onto this one.  In the end I created a new set of accounts in an empty directory called accounts - the same name as I had had before on the Ubuntu machine - then renamed that directory to and renamed my ex-Ubuntu directory with all the live data from accounts.ubuntu to the name I had used for creating the new accounts.  It seemed to work.  But the whole doesn't yet - after ten minutes of messing about - seem quite as slick as it did on Ubuntu, which is why I'm wondering about creating a Ubuntu virtual machine and running GC in that environment.  But I'll put it through its paces a bit more before I decide finally, and make sure I take lots of backups
One point which I  now have some experience of is mentioned in another thread.  I was unable to read in specific log files when I had opened my Accounts file.  Maybe this was because I wasn't supposed to read them in, but the programs reacted completely differently on the Mac and in linux.  Maybe you would like to take a look at the thread on my only having my January transactions to get the full story.



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