Customer report question

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Thu Apr 15 07:20:58 EDT 2010

On Thursday 15 April 2010, Caspar Schutte wrote:
> Hi
> I am still new to GnuCash and would like to know if I have clients that pay
> via electronic funds transfer directly into my bank account. How do I
> produce an accurate customer report?
> When clients pay with cash it is possible to manually go to "Process
> Payment" and the payment reflects on the customer report.  However if the
> payment went directly to the bank account, and I import my bank statement
> from my bank, the transactions shows in my "Bank Account" in GnuCash, but
> not on the customer report.  I can manually go and delete each bank
> transaction and manually "Process Payment" each transactions but this is a
> very time consuming job and it is very easy to make an error.  Are there
>  any easier way to process these transactions?

There is unfortunately no link between the automatic import and the business 
functions. The importer doesn't know about invoices or customers, nor do the 
business features know how to check if a payment was imported and mark the 
corresponding invoice as paid.

So there is no alternative to manually performing the payments and/or 
correcting the import statements.

This was discussed no so long ago on the list, but it didn't result in an 
immediate solution.


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