quote software

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Fri Dec 3 16:54:06 EST 2010

On Dec 3, 2010, at 12:09 PM, David T. wrote:

> John--
> Is "FinanceQuote Update.app" available in the stable dmg now? IIRC, when I installed gnucash-2.2.9-4.dmg, there was only the gnucash.app and a couple of readmes. If it isn't, then Mary is trying to install the unstable version, and I wouldn't recommend that as a starting point for a new user.
> If Mary is installing for the first time, presumably she would NOT need to update Finance::Quote, as I would doubt anyone would just have that lying around for the fun of it...


Yes, Update FinanceQuote.app is included in Gnucash-Intel-, though not in Gnucash-PPC-

I named it "Update FinanceQuote" to be consistent with the MSWindows app and with the unix program that it runs, gnc-fq-update. It's used both to install from scratch and to update an existing install.

John Ralls

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