Zonealarm warning
Dennis Powless
claven123 at
Sat Dec 25 13:15:35 EST 2010
I would agree to disconnect, however many installs require Internet
access to complete the download. But, good ideas nevertheless.
On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Mike or Penny Novack
<stepbystepfarm at> wrote:
> jomali wrote:
>> Very important - disconnect from the Internet before turning off antivirus
>> and firewalls and turn them back on before re-connecting.
>> jomali
>> On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 12:52 AM, Dennis Powless
>> <claven123 at>wrote:
> Absolutely! (keeping in mind that no antivirus can provide absolute
> protection in any case).
> Another thing that you can do assuming your operating system allows this
> (most in use nowadays do) is to have a user log in WITHOUT administrative
> rights under which you use almost all of the time except when you absolutely
> need them. In other words, log in as administrator to install software and
> then as soon as you don't need these powers close that session. This
> increases safety somewhat as in most cases if something malicious gets in
> control of your session it might be unable to do anything that session
> lacked rights to do. An easy habit for me after decades in the cypher mines
> where I only logged in "production" when I absolutely needed those rights
> but spent all the rest of the time logged in "development"
> Safe work habits are as important as antivirus, etc.
> Michael
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