Unable to retrieve quotes

Donald Allen donaldcallen at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 14:21:36 EST 2010

I'm running 2.2.9 on an up-to-date Arch Linux system. I am unable to
retrieve price quotes, getting instead the error message "There was a
system error while retrieving the price quotes". I have done the test
suggested in the Concepts Guide, namely:

dca at octavian:~$ gnc-fq-dump yahoo IBM
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: IBM                  <=== required
      date: 02/08/2010           <=== required
  currency: USD                  <=== required
      last: 122.87               <=\
       nav:                      <=== one of these
     price: 122.87               <=/
  timezone:                      <=== optional
dca at octavian:~$

Anyone have any bright ideas as to what might be wrong, or suggestions
for debugging this?

Thanks --
/Don Allen

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