compatibility with early OSX

John Ralls jralls at
Mon Feb 15 16:10:34 EST 2010

On Feb 15, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:

> The original poster would probably find it easiest to upgrade his Mac
> OS X 10.2 (which was first released in 2002) to Mac OS X 10.4 (which
> is the last version that runs on a PowerPC Macintosh) to get a native
> OS X build of GnuCash 2.2.9. However, if he expects to follow GnuCash
> upgrades in the future, he would need to install fink (which may not
> have the libraries he needs under 10.2 but would be more likely under
> 10.4) or install linux on his Mac, which may not really appeal to him
> unless he is quite adventuresome.
> We still actively use my wife's PowerPC PowerBook, but it's already
> hard to find new software releases that support it. For example I
> believe Mozilla Firefox has announced they're dropping PowerPC builds
> for OS X.
> (I have assumed the OP uses a PowerPC Macintosh because I believe that
> was the only option for OS X 10.2, though I may be wrong.)

Yes, if possible, the OP would be best served by upgrading OSX. As Mike Prindle noted, version compatibility is more complicated than just "PPC". For example, 10.5 supports G4 and G5 Macs with clock speeds above 866MHz. More details available at  You're correct that 10.2 didn't support Intel.

John Ralls

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