How to make a "custom" expense report [was Re: Report customization nightmare]

Mike Leone turgon at
Fri Jul 2 22:41:53 EDT 2010

On 7/2/2010 10:05 PM, Tim Uckun had this to say:
>> And expecting that any random end user has the technical skills (or
>> inclination) to provide technical programming patches, that would need to be
>> vetted and tested, is extremely unrealistic, BTW. If they don't, then what?
>> They shouldn't "complain"? And "waste" other's time? They should just meekly
>> and silently stay in the background, never offering observations or
>> suggestions?
> Actually I don't think people should complain. I mean why complain
> about a gift somebody gave you? The developers or Gnu Cash have given
> away something for nothing.  Why would you want to annoy them by
> complaining?

So if someone is given a gift, they must never have an opinion other 
than effusive gratitude? Sorry, I don't agree.

> What good is complaining going to get you anyway? Do you really think
> somebody is going to help you if you throw a fit?

No one has thrown a fit.

> Do you really think people are going to be friendly to you after you tell them how they
> are wrong, how they should drop whatever they are doing and solve your
> problem for free?

Never asked anyone to drop what they were doing. Never asked anyone to 
solve my problem, for free or not, since you mention it.  I commented on 
a design philosophy and implementation.

> If you (not you specifically,  humanity in general) continue to whine,
> moan, scream, complain and generally make a pest out of yourselves
> they might decide it's just not worth the bother to continue with the
> project and we would all lose. So please hold your tongue.

No one has whined, moaned, or screamed.

If I have an opinion, or a request, or a suggestion about a program I 
use, I will give it. And if you have an opinion, a request, a comment or 
suggestion, then you be sure and give it, too. As every user is entitled 
to, and should do, and indeed *must* do.

> Be polite, civil and most of all constructive.

I haven't been anything but polite and civil. If I have been otherwise, 
it's been in (perceived) response to the same.

And since this thread has more than run it's course, I suggest that it 
end here.

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