Help on opening accounts

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sat Jul 10 15:12:35 EDT 2010

> I have created a file, got it all balanced to my previous MS Money 
> system, and I am having trouble finding it now.
> I have tried the help section, and I don't actually get the same "save 
> as" screen shown in the file.
> Also, when I enter preferences, none of the changes actually seem to 
> take hold.  I have been in and out of the file for several days now, 
> but this morning I can't seem to find and open it.
> This seems really tedious, and I am not sure what is going on.  I 
> checked my version, it is 2.2.9, a stable version.
> Any help?
> Linda

Generalized help on this (when you can't find a file, forgot what you 
named it, into which directory you saved it).

But you know roughly WHEN created. So using your favorite "file" tool 
(which of course depends on your operating system) you do a "find files" 
for all files created around that date. Unlikely you created that many 
files in a narrow date range to make this impractical. Once you know the 
name and directory (aka "file folder") you should be able to tell 
GnuCash to open it. Or whatever other application you would use with 
this file (like I said, this is a generally useful* trick)

About the preferences not taking hold ............ What operating system 
are you using and what's your log in ID? For example, there are 
characters that are legal in a log in ID under Windows that are not 
legal in the path name for where those prefs get stored so can't save 
them. I have that problem with one of our log in IDs.


* I don't forget which directories I put things in. But if it's stuff 
put on our computer by a "nasty" how I find them to remove them. Of 
course the usual cause isn't that you forgot the name but accidentally 
didn't spell the name you think you did.

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