Once again, help wanted on Treasury note transaction accounting please

Fred Frigerio frigerio at bellsouth.net
Fri Mar 12 15:33:12 EST 2010

Instead of letting the imbalance account balance the transaction, use the
bank account which is probably an Asset account. Then the transaction

Fred Frigerio

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 3:04 PM, John K. Taber <jktaber at charter.net> wrote:

> Here is the situation.
> My 2 year US treasury note ABC matures in my Treasury Direct account.
> Before
> the principal gets to my bank I reinvest the funds in 2 year treasury note
> ABD. Let's say the principal is 10,000 USD. There is a slight difference in
> price for ABD so that a small amount is returned to my bank.
> ABC principal matures           10,000.00
> ABD purchase                    -9,997.20
> My Bank Account                    2.80
> I have my accounts structured as
> Treasury Direct parent
>   ABC child
>   ABD child
> In Quicken I treat ABD matures as a Sell, ABD as a Buy, and the 2.80 as an
> Xout (transfer funds out).
> How should these transactions be treated in GC? I'm asking for step-by-step
> directions, please.
> For the time being, I use the Imbalance account for intermediate steps. The
> trouble seems to be that my parent account needs a cash subaccount to
> receive and disburse sums from sales and buys. But there really isn't a
> cash
> account.
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