March 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Mar 1 00:13:52 EST 2010
Ending: Wed Mar 31 18:05:09 EDT 2010
Messages: 433
- How do you backup your data?
- Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet
Mike Alexander
- Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet
Mike Alexander
- Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet
Mike Alexander
Yawar Amin
- Quick Start Guide For Business Users
- Using Your Mobile Phone to Enter Data in GnuCash
- Using Your Mobile Phone to Enter Data in GnuCash
- Monthly report
- Reconciling an earlier date that the last reconciled
Derek Atkins
- Profit and Loss statement/Income and expense report has some amounts on the wrong side - debits & credits
Derek Atkins
- Invoice API
Derek Atkins
- Split Toolbar icon?
Derek Atkins
- Invoice API
Derek Atkins
- New invoice only prints customer name
Derek Atkins
- New invoice only prints customer name
Derek Atkins
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Derek Atkins
- Importing Only Quicken Category List
Derek Atkins
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Derek Atkins
- Receivables Aging Report - HowTo
Derek Atkins
- Profit and Loss statement/Income and expense report has some amounts on the wrong side - debits & credits
Derek Atkins
- Refunds and overpayments
Derek Atkins
- Importing KMyMoney Data
Derek Atkins
- Open Suse and Gnucash
Derek Atkins
- Importing Only Quicken Category List
Derek Atkins
- hbci 3.0 on windows
Derek Atkins
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF, ...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Derek Atkins
- Wrong balance for period (gnucash on OS X)
Derek Atkins
- GnuCash file not viewable
Derek Atkins
- unstable version installation in Ubuntu
Derek Atkins
- Gnucash Re: Re: How to remove Subtotle and Tax rows from invoice template
Derek Atkins
- Tithing sales
Derek Atkins
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
Derek Atkins
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
Derek Atkins
- bulk delete transactions
Derek Atkins
- Invoices
Derek Atkins
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
Derek Atkins
- Complete removal of GnuCash for true clean install
Derek Atkins
- Opening File
Derek Atkins
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
Derek Atkins
- Solved: Receivables Aging Misreporting
Derek Atkins
- Opening File
Derek Atkins
- Setting up Payroll Wages Salaries for Employees
Derek Atkins
- Shutting Down
Derek Atkins
- Shutting Down
Derek Atkins
- Split transaction in Wallet account
Derek Atkins
- Is there any way to "reset" the transaction to account matching filter on import?
Derek Atkins
- Refunds and overpayments
Derek Atkins
Derek Atkins
- Is there any way to "reset" the transaction to account matching filter on import?
Derek Atkins
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
Derek Atkins
- Reconciliation
Derek Atkins
- Reconciliation
Derek Atkins
- Report- show account total
Derek Atkins
- Report- show account total
Derek Atkins
- Report- show account total
Derek Atkins
- Report- show account total
Derek Atkins
- Cannot find customers or invoices
Derek Atkins
- How do I add extra principle to my Mortgage Payment **SOLVED**
Derek Atkins
- Deleting Transations
Derek Atkins
- running on windows 7
Derek Atkins
- Tax Report and pre-tax deductions from salary/pay (Larry O'Leary)
J. Alex Aycinena
- Is there any way to "reset" the transaction to account matching filter on import?
Lincoln A. Baxter
- Is there any way to "reset" the transaction to account matching filter on import?
Lincoln A. Baxter
- running on windows 7
Patricia Beach
Jean-David Beyer
- 2.2.9 becoming unstable
Fred Bone
- Showing "Memos" and "Notes"
Fred Bone
- password protection?
Fred Bone
- Split transactions show in register multiple times
Fred Bone
- Split transactions show in register multiple times
Fred Bone
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
Jeffrey Boutin
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF,...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Tom Van Braeckel
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF,...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Tom Van Braeckel
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF,...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Tom Van Braeckel
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF,...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Tom Van Braeckel
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF,...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Tom Van Braeckel
- How do I represent a pension fund in Gnucash?
Leo Breebaart
- GnuCash Simple Instructions
Anne Briggs
- user/account mapping
Chris Burroughs
- Opening File
Mike C.
- Unrealized Losses on Balance Sheet
Mike C.
- Opening File
Mike C.
- Opening File
Mike C.
- Changed credit card number
Michael DeBusk
- How do you backup your data?
Michael DeBusk
- How do you backup your data?
Michael DeBusk
- Using Your Mobile Phone to Enter Data in GnuCash
Michael DeBusk
- Scheduled Transaction Report
Edward DeMeulle
- How do I import OFX files?????
Elizabeth Dodd
- Importing Only Quicken Category List
Elizabeth Dodd
Elizabeth Dodd
- Separate reports for multiple projects
Stefan Dürrenberger
- Opening File
Frank H. Ellenberger
- Showing "Memos" and "Notes"
Rolf Endres
- Gnucash internet connection in windows
Rolf Endres
- Complete removal of GnuCash for true clean install
Rolf Endres
- Online Banking
Rolf Endres
- Two questions about UK VAT layout and Invoice report layout
Mike Evans
- New invoice only prints customer name
Mike Evans
- New invoice only prints customer name
Mike Evans
- Refunds and overpayments
Mike Evans
- Refunds and overpayments
Mike Evans
- Where is the invoice reports option?
Mike Evans
- Split deposit to bank account to different invoice payments
Mike Evans
- Refunds and overpayments
Mike Evans
- 2.2.9 becoming unstable
- How do I represent a pension fund in Gnucash?
- How do you backup your data?
- password protection?
Pablo Francesca
- Debit Memo?
Pablo Francesca
- Solved: Debit Memo
Pablo Francesca
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
Pablo Francesca
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
Pablo Francesca
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
Pablo Francesca
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
Pablo Francesca
- Solved: Receivables Aging Misreporting
Pablo Francesca
- Solved: Receivables Aging Misreporting
Pablo Francesca
- Solved: Receivables Aging Misreporting
Pablo Francesca
- Once again, help wanted on Treasury note transaction accounting please
Fred Frigerio
- Missing transactions after OFX-Quicken import
Tim Frost
- Tithing sales
John Garber
- Q: How to get more info during transaction import
Martin Gill
- Invoices
- eguile dev environment
- compiling svn trunk on debian unstable
John Griessen
- compiling svn trunk on debian unstable
John Griessen
- American Express download stopped working...
Phil Hays
- Solved: American Express download stopped working...
Phil Hays
- gnucash 2.2.9 manual in PDF format
Chris Henderson
- Inventory
Steve Hill
- Inventory
Steve Hill
- password protection?
Paul Ingrisch
- Monthly report
Rafael Ismodes
- How to View transactions prior to "Close Books"?
Geert Janssens
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Geert Janssens
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Geert Janssens
- Advice
Geert Janssens
- Cannot set payment terms for account
Geert Janssens
- Invoice API
Geert Janssens
- GnuCash file not viewable
Geert Janssens
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF, ...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Geert Janssens
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF, ...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Geert Janssens
- GnuCash file not viewable
Geert Janssens
- New Window
Geert Janssens
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
Geert Janssens
- Missing transactions after OFX-Quicken import
Bopolissimus Platypus Jr
- Missing transactions after OFX-Quicken import
Bopolissimus Platypus Jr
- Assets Barchart
Luiz Carlos da Costa Junior
- Assets Barchart
Luiz Carlos da Costa Junior
- Deleting Transations
Johannes Kapune
- Deleting Transations
Johannes Kapune
- Gnucash 2.2.6 - initial setup query
Felix Karpfen
- Tithing sales
James Kerr
- Inventory
James Kerr
- Split transaction in Wallet account
James Kerr
- Importing Only Quicken Category List
Maf. King
- Receivables Aging Report - HowTo
Maf. King
- Refunds and overpayments
Maf. King
- Where is the invoice reports option?
Maf. King
- How do I import OFX files?????
Maf. King
- Attach Memo to Transactions
Maf. King
- GnuCash file not viewable
Maf. King
- Debit Memo?
Maf. King
- Debit Memo?
Maf. King
Maf. King
- Deleting Transations
Maf. King
- American Express download stopped working...
Jeff Kletsky
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Jeff Kletsky
- How do I import OFX files?????
Jeff Kletsky
- Refunds and overpayments
Jeff Kletsky
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Jeff Kletsky
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Jeff Kletsky
- user/account mapping
Jeff Kletsky
- Really, really bad auto-matching -- Is Account unknown Bank unknown the culprit?
Jeff Kletsky
- Really, really bad auto-matching -- Is Account unknown Bank unknown the culprit?
Jeff Kletsky
- password protection?
Jeff Kletsky
- GnuCash file not viewable
Jeff Kletsky
- "Total" Balances.
Jeff Kletsky
- unstable version installation in Ubuntu
Jeff Kletsky
- Changed credit card number
Jeff Kletsky
- bulk delete transactions
Jeff Kletsky
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF,...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
Eric Ladner
- General Journal question.
Robin Laing
- General Journal question.
Robin Laing
- running on windows 7
Graham Lane
- This transaction is already being edited - more info
C. Andrews Lavarre
- GnuCash file not viewable
Colin Law
- dates in SQLite format (2.3.11 for Windows)
Colin Law
- dates in SQLite format (2.3.11 for Windows)
Colin Law
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
Colin Law
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
Colin Law
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
Colin Law
- Tithing sales
John Layman
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Layman
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Layman
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Layman
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Layman
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Layman
- How do I import OFX files?????
Michael Leone
- Deleting Transations
Mike Leone
- upgrade to 2.2.9 with multi currency is not good
Zoltan Levardy
- xp+gnucash F::Q testing, how?
Zoltan Levardy
- Profit and Loss statement/Income and expense report has some amounts on the wrong side - debits & credits
Raizel Lieman
- Profit and Loss statement/Income and expense report has some amounts on the wrong side - debits & credits
Raizel Lieman
- unstable version installation in Ubuntu
Phil Longstaff
- GnuCash 2.3.11 released
Phil Longstaff
- Change in how mysql/postgresql databases are named in 2.3.11
Phil Longstaff
- dates in SQLite format (2.3.11 for Windows)
Phil Longstaff
- SQLite date format
Phil Longstaff
- SQLite date format
Phil Longstaff
- Reconciliation Report
Phil Longstaff
- Invoice API
Don Quixote de la Mancha
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Don Quixote de la Mancha
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Don Quixote de la Mancha
- Invoice API
Don Quixote de la Mancha
- Invoice API
Don Quixote de la Mancha
- Invoice API
Don Quixote de la Mancha
- gnucash 2.2.9 manual in PDF format
Don Quixote de la Mancha
- Refunds and overpayments
Wouter van Marle
- Multiple currencies in GNUcash
Wouter van Marle
- Deleting Transations
Paulo J. Matos
- Representing income
Paulo J. Matos
- Deleting Transations
Paulo J. Matos
- Deleting Transations
Paulo J. Matos
- Payroll in GnuCash
- Payroll in GnuCash
Jeremy Miller
- How do you backup your data?
Graeme Milroy
- Equity
Mike or Penny Novack
- user/account mapping
Mike or Penny Novack
- password protection?
Mike or Penny Novack
- Wrong balance for period (gnucash on OS X)
Mike or Penny Novack
- Wrong balance for period (gnucash on OS X)
Mike or Penny Novack
- Changed credit card number
Mike or Penny Novack
- Unrealized Losses on Balance Sheet
Mike or Penny Novack
- bulk delete transactions
Mike or Penny Novack
- bulk delete transactions
Mike or Penny Novack
- Report- show account total
Mike or Penny Novack
- General Journal question.
Mike or Penny Novack
- Tax Report and pre-tax deductions from salary/pay
Larry O'Leary
- Deleting Transations
Larry O'Leary
- Newbie problems with OFX import and Imbalance account
Paul Ortega
- Newbie problems with OFX import and Imbalance account
Paul Ortega
- running on windows 7
- American Express download stopped working...
Martin Preuss
- How do I import OFX files?????
M Prindle
- How do I import OFX files?????
M Prindle
- How do I import OFX files?????
M Prindle
- How do I import OFX files?????
M Prindle
- 2.2.9 becoming unstable
M Prindle
- 2.2.9 becoming unstable
M Prindle
- Best practice for cash difference
M Prindle
- Using Your Mobile Phone to Enter Data in GnuCash
M Prindle
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
- Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create
- Display certain transactions?
John Ralls
- Invoice API
John Ralls
- Invoice API
John Ralls
- Invoice API
John Ralls
- Invoice API
John Ralls
- Some UI irritations.
John Ralls
- Can't open gnucash
John Ralls
- unstable version installation in Ubuntu
John Ralls
- Can't open gnucash
John Ralls
- copy and/or paste does not work in OS X
John Ralls
- copy and/or paste does not work in OS X
John Ralls
- transactions wrongly imported in USD currency (SOLVED)
John Ralls
- Shutting Down
John Ralls
- Shutting Down
John Ralls
- Split transaction in Wallet account
John Ralls
- New Window
John Ralls
- New Window
John Ralls
- New Window
John Ralls
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Ralls
- SQLite date format
John Ralls
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Ralls
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Ralls
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Ralls
- Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
John Ralls
- running on windows 7
Divakar Ramachandran
- How do I import OFX files?????
David Reiser
- How do I import OFX files?????
David Reiser
- Really, really bad auto-matching -- Is Account unknown Bank unknown the culprit?
David Reiser
- Newbie problems with OFX import and Imbalance account
David Reiser
- how to delete a data file and to move data file on Mac
David Reiser
- how to delete a data file and to move data file on Mac
David Reiser
- 2.2.9 stoped working on W7
Pedro Ribeiro
- How do I add extra principle to my Mortgage Payment
Jay Ridgley
- How do I add extra principle to my Mortgage Payment **SOLVED**
Jay Ridgley
- How do I add extra principle to my Mortgage Payment **SOLVED**
Jay Ridgley
- Reconciliation Report
Joe Robin
- hbci 3.0 on windows
Jakob Rohrhirsch
- hbci 3.0 on windows
Jakob Rohrhirsch
- bulk delete transactions
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
- bulk delete transactions
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
- bulk delete transactions
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
- bulk delete transactions
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
- bulk delete transactions
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
- Error seen with calc2qif macro
Paul Schwartz
- Once again, help wanted on Treasury note transaction accounting please
Paul Schwartz
- Some UI irritations.
Colin Scott
- Some UI irritations.
Colin Scott
- Some UI irritations.
Colin Scott
- "Total" Balances.
Colin Scott
- Wrong balance for period (gnucash on OS X)
Brendan Simon
- Wrong balance for period (gnucash on OS X)
Brendan Simon
- Some UI irritations.
Brendan Simon
- Wrong balance for period (gnucash on OS X)
Brendan Simon
- Split transactions show in register multiple times
Brendan Simon
- Split transactions show in register multiple times
Brendan Simon
- Wrong balance for period (gnucash on OS X)
Brendan Simon
- transactions wrongly imported in USD currency
Brendan Simon
- copy and/or paste does not work in OS X
Brendan Simon
- copy and/or paste does not work in OS X
Brendan Simon
- transactions wrongly imported in USD currency (SOLVED)
Brendan Simon
- Cannot find customers or invoices
Thomas Smith
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
Thomas Cook Smith
- Cannot set payment terms for account
Thomas Cook Smith
- New invoice only prints customer name
Thomas Cook Smith
- New invoice only prints customer name
Thomas Cook Smith
- Where is the invoice reports option?
Thomas Cook Smith
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- Fix for Gnucash Docs Problem Using Open Suse KDE4
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- Fix for Gnucash Docs Problem Using Open Suse KDE4
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files?????
Bob Smits
- How do I import OFX files????? Success!!!!!!
Bob Smits
- Who Creates OpneSuSE GnuCash RPMs
Robert Smits
- How do you backup your data?
- Invoice API
Munroe Sollog
- Multiple currencies in GNUcash
Adam Spacey
- Importing KMyMoney Data
Chris Spencer
- 2.2.9 becoming unstable
- 2.2.9 becoming unstable
- 2.2.9 becoming unstable
- 2.2.9 becoming unstable
- GC Freezing
- How to View transactions prior to "Close Books"?
David T.
- Unable to enter new account heirarchy setup
David T.
- Wrong balance for period (gnucash on OS X)
David T.
- Split transactions show in register multiple times
David T.
- Split transactions show in register multiple times
David T.
- Split transactions show in register multiple times
David T.
- Report- show account total
David T.
- Changed credit card number
John K. Taber
- Once again, help wanted on Treasury note transaction accounting please
John K. Taber
- Who Creates OpneSuSE GnuCash RPMs
Philip Tait
- Attach Memo to Transactions
David Tholen
- Can't open gnucash
Judy Thorne
- Split transaction in Wallet account
Andras Toth
- Split transaction in Wallet account
Andras Toth
- Best practice for cash difference
Andras Toth
- Best practice for cash difference
Andras Toth
- Best practice for cash difference
Andras Toth
- Edit transaction?
Tommy Trussell
- Edit transaction?
Tommy Trussell
- Invoice API
Tommy Trussell
- Invoice API
Tommy Trussell
- Importing Only Quicken Category List
Chuck Waggoner
- Importing Only Quicken Category List
Chuck Waggoner
- Reconciliation
James Wilde
- New Window
James Wilde
- Reconciliation
James Wilde
- New Window
James Wilde
- New Window
James Wilde
- Reconciliation
James Wilde
- Invoice API
Marcus Wolschon
- Setting up Payroll Wages Salaries for Employees
Michael Zumpano
- How to View transactions prior to "Close Books"?
- GnuCash file not viewable
- GnuCash file not viewable
- GnuCash file not viewable
- unstable version installation in Ubuntu
- unstable version installation in Ubuntu
- dates in SQLite format (2.3.11 for Windows)
- dates in SQLite format (2.3.11 for Windows)
- dates in SQLite format (2.3.11 for Windows)
- Not Solved,: Aqbanking: Data downoad issue: multiple accounts same bank
- Not Solved,: Aqbanking: Data downoad issue: multiple accounts same bank
- Equity
- Equity
- Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet
- Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet
- Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet
- Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet
- Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet
- Unrealized Losses on Balance Sheet
- Unrealized Losses on Balance Sheet
- Unrealized Losses on Balance Sheet
- Where is my online banking info stored?
- Where is my online banking info stored?
- Convert rabobank csv file to qif
- Reconciling an earlier date that the last reconciled
papa.eric at
- Cash flow and split transactions: bug or feature?
papa.eric at
- Edit transaction?
fun at
- Split Toolbar icon?
fun at
- Display certain transactions?
fun at
- Display certain transactions?
fun at
- Report- show account total
fun at
- Report- show account total
fun at
- Report- show account total
fun at
- Report- show account total
fun at
- I need help
ramsey hussain
- SQLite date format
antonio marquez
- Reconciliation Report
joe at
- how to delete a data file and to move data file on Mac
- running on windows 7
rodrigo portugal
- Receivables Aging Report - HowTo
- user/account mapping
- Using bank exports (CSV, QIF,...) to avoid the overhead that comes from processing bills
- Split deposit to bank account to different invoice payments
- accounting question with GC:multiple DBA self types of business very small amounts
- Not Solved,: Aqbanking: Data downoad issue: multiple accounts same bank
- Receivables Aging Misreporting
- Gnucash crashing in Windows Maybe almost repeatable
- running on windows 7
- How do I import OFX files?????
fireflys_98 at
Last message date:
Wed Mar 31 18:05:09 EDT 2010
Archived on: Thu Apr 8 09:47:23 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).