Foreign Currency results in non balanced balance sheet

c-a-l c-a-l at
Sat Mar 13 13:17:45 EST 2010

Thanks for the response.  It would be great to be able to post the
transactions in the currency in which they take place, so I'd like to figure
out where the problem is.  A few questions:

1. When you do your balance sheet report, in the options, under commodities,
is your price source "Nearest in Time" when you get the balance sheet to
balance?  I found I can get it to balance using Average Cost and Weighted
Average, but not Nearest in Time.  Of course if I use either of the former,
the value of securities and Euro accounts is not the current value, so that
is no good.
2. Are you using the balance sheet that comes with GnuCash? or are you using
the revised one you (or someone with your same name) posted at:
I would love to learn how to install that if that one will fix the problem.
3. Which version of GnuCash?  I'm using 2.2.9 for Windows.

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