Error parsing file C\gnucash\output\test2010 after create

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Mar 27 17:14:26 EDT 2010

On 27 March 2010 20:36, RaPquest <genericem at> wrote:
> Sorry - read email response (which didn't have everything in the reply).
> Tried removing test2010 then renamed test2010--.xac to test2010 (IE removed
> extension) but still get same parsing error.
> I screwed up when creating new register (file) and GC put it 'under' the old
> register (file) ... so that's an error for me to correct. But I can't launch
> GC without getting the parsing error ... and I  don't know how to get around
> it.

Try the next xac file back in time.  If that still fails then I think
it must be a problem with the gnucash install.  I would try
uninstalling it and re-installing.  Just make sure you keep a copy of
the accounts file.

Actually before that it might be worth making a new file (File New I
think).  Save that as another name, shut down and re-open gnucash.  It
should then open the new file.  If it gets a parse error then I think
it must be an install problem.

By the way, which version of gc are you using?  2.2.9 is the current
stable version.  2.3.x is the ongoing development version.



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