Reconciliation Report

joe at joe at
Wed Mar 31 08:58:44 EDT 2010

Hi all, I am new to GNUcash and have a question. I've used MYOB for many 
years and have a decent knowledge of double entry accounting, and so far 
GNUcash looks like an excellent FOSS replacement for MYOB. (I'm 
transitioning from Vista to Linux Mint and would like to use FOSS as 
much as possible. Additionally, MYOB will not print properly in Mint, 
some kind of WINE problem.)

There is one feature I have been unable to find. I have gotten in the 
habit of running a "Reconciliation Report" every time an account is 
reconciled - this generates a PDF with the state of the account 
immediately prior to completing the reconciliation, showing all 
transactions I intend to reconcile, any outstanding transactions (checks 
not cleared, credit card transactions not yet on the statement, etc). 
This gives an electronic paper trail allowing me to reconstruct things 
in case I ever mess up a future reconciliation. I can't seem to find 
this feature in GNUcash. What I've been doing is capturing the screen to 
a PNG file and outputting that to PDF, but this is not optimal. Is this 
built into GNUcash? If not, are there any workarounds to accomplish what 
I wish?

Thanks in Advance for any assistance you are able to provide.

Joe Robin

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