Reducing File Size

Jeff Kletsky gnucash at
Tue Jan 4 14:08:17 EST 2011

"32 seconds to generate an Income Statement, and 53 seconds to generate 
a Balance Sheet"

In my experience, the problem with the reports is the "legacy" Scheme 
HTML generation. The way that HTML is generated is very inefficient.

I'm going to have to tackle reports for budgeting now that 2.4 is out 
as, even with one-year's worth of data, the generation time is 
unacceptable using legacy reporting. eGuile looked like a huge step 
forward when I tried some early steps last spring. I'll probably give 
that a shot before trying something more extreme (external reporting off 
the database).

On 01/04/2011 08:19 AM, Mike C. wrote:
> I timed it to give you a good answer.  It takes 67 seconds to load the
> program, 32 seconds to generate an Income Statement, and 53 seconds to
> generate a Balance Sheet.  I can tolerate this but would like to get rid
> of some useless data to improve the performance.  I have a data file
> with just a few entries to verify certain program attributes and it
> loads in about 20 seconds and the reports load in 5-10 seconds.
> Mike
> On 1/3/2011 11:17 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> "Mike C."<subscribe307 at>  writes:
>>> I have the same problem that several others have mentioned.  Since I
>>> converted over 15 years of Quicken data the Gnucash file is now 1845 KB
>>> after compression and takes a long time to load or to generate reports.
>>> I would like to eliminate old data that is no longer needed without
>>> affecting the current account totals.
>> Can you please define "a long time to load or to generate reports?"
>> I've got 7 years of transactions in my data file and most of my reports
>> generate within a few seconds.  (Some take longer, but that's more a
>> problem with the report algorithms, which will get fixed over time).
>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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>> -derek
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