Upgrading from 2.2.9 to 2.4.0 on Snow Leopard.

David Bergum dib at red-sky.us
Thu Jan 20 10:17:30 EST 2011

On Jan 20, 2011, at 0:22, John Ralls wrote:

> I guess a more important issue for you is why Gconf isn't starting up correctly. Did you run the "Update Dirs" applet in the dmg?

Oh, I didn't answer this.  I ran Update Dirs, it silently ran and quit, so I wasn't sure it did anything.  Didn't see any messages in the syslog from it or anything.

David Bergum				<dib at red-sky.us>
2415 Saint Pauls Square		218-206-2133 Skype
Raleigh, NC  27614			612-723-7135 cell

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