Cannot get a lock on File

Maf King maf at
Wed Jul 20 06:41:23 EDT 2011

On Tuesday 19 Jul 2011 22:47:15 Tim Scheidler wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
>      I came in to work yesterday and attempted to open Gnucash only to
> discover that the program could not obtain a lock on my file. I had left
> the computer on when I left work Friday, only 'switching users' to bring
> it to the login screen while leaving my programs still running
> (including Gnucash). I came in Monday and my computer had gone to sleep
> and I couldn't wake it. I wound up having to push the reset button to
> reboot the computer. I see that there is a .LCK file in my accounting
> directory. How can I unlock my data files and are they now corrupted?
> Will I have to go to an earlier data set and restore what I'm missing,
> or can I simply delete the .LCK file?

Hi Tim,

You should be fine to choose the "Open Anyway" button in the dialogue box - 
you will probably have lost all the data entry since the last (auto)save. 

You _may_ be able to get some of that work back using the "log replay"  (under 
File->Import on GC2.4.7) and selecting the most recent 
<accountsname>.<timestamp>.log file in the accounts directory, IIRC the log 
replay won't import AR and AP transactions, nor any scheduled transaction or 
budget changes.


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