Utility bills...

Stein Erik Berget stein.erik at berget.org
Mon Mar 7 08:54:20 EST 2011

On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 14:34:47 +0100, Mark Phillips  
<mark at phillipsmarketing.biz> wrote:

Reply in-line :-)

> Off the top of my head, but does it really matter what currency you use  
> for
> KWh? You know it is kWh even if Gnucash thinks it is yen, pounds, or  
> dinars.
> You can have gnucash do the math for you without any problems....the  
> program
> really doesn't care, it just adds/subtracts numbers in little buckets.

Yeah, this is what I'm sort of going to end up with, I think. But is there  
a good argument for not having the possibility to create a 'expense'  
account with something else than a 'currency'? I'm not an accountant, but  
this seems like an artificial limitation.

> Mark
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 6:19 AM, jcard21 xxxxxxx
> <jcard21+gnucash at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 03:28, Stein Erik Berget <stein.erik at berget.org>
>> wrote:
>> > ...snip...
>> > I would like to track the usage of electricity in 'kWh',
>> > as I want to monitor the electricity usage, and not
>> > only the cost.
>> > ...snip...
>> > What have others done with this?
>> When I get my Gas & Electric bill, I enter a gnuCash txn in my
>> checking account to pay the bill.
>> I put the "kWh"s into the Notes field on the individual split line for
>> electric.  I copy/paste it right off the pdf bill:
>> Jan 10 - Feb 8 Days=29 Current=44113 Previous=43855 Usage=258 kWh
>> I type the "Therms" into the Notes field on the individual split line
>> for gas.  I copy/paste it right off the pdf bill:
>> Jan 10 - Feb 8 Days=29 Current=3113 Previous=3073 CCF=40
>> Factor=1.02862 Therms=41
>> These numbers would show up on my Transaction Report under the
>> appropriate Expense category.
>> There is no totaling (since Notes is not an amount field), but I don't
>> care.

But I do, that's why I'm asking this :-)

Stein Erik

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