Online banking

Alan Schold aschold at
Sat Nov 5 13:18:32 EDT 2011

I am setting up Gnucash to download my CC charges from BOA. I have read 
help files and got info from the wiki, but I cannot complete the 
process. I hope someone can give me some help.

I _think_ I have all the correct numbers. I am running version 2.4.6 on 
a PC with WIndows 7 and a laptop with Windows XP.

I go through all the Online Setup steps, create a new user and enter 
numbers. Pushing the button next to the "Bank ID" entry actually finds a 
BOA branch.

In the OFX tab I enter what I believe to be server URL, but the "TEST" 
button never lights up. (Significant?)

I check the "Supports Account Download" box and try to download 
accounts. The "Requesting Account List" box appears along with a place 
to enter my password. Upon entering my BOA password and clinking OK, 
activity takes place in Requesting Accounts, but the box _rapidly 
disappear_s. It happens so fast that I cannot read the several lines 
appearing in the box. No accounts appear in the "Accounts" tab of the 
"Configuration" box.

Thanks so much, Alan

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