Spam:****, Re: Bugzilla

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 5 08:51:18 EDT 2011

"Colin Scott" <gnucash at> writes:

> However, there are some areas where I might be prepared to volunteer -
> but I rather suspect that the priorities I might assign would be very
> different from what you or the rest of the Developers' team might
> choose!  For example, I have spoken in here several times about my
> very strong belief that reports are an absolutely central, crucial,
> part of an accounting system (on the grounds that if you can't easily
> get the data out in a meaningful form and format then there's bugger
> all point in putting it in!) and that several aspects of the current
> reporting system are barely fit for purpose, badly letting down an
> otherwise excellent product.  There are a number of currently
> unconfirmed bug reports in this area (some, but not all, submitted by
> myself) that clearly the Developers consider unimportant (or they
> wouldn't still be unconfirmed!), whereas I would classify them for
> immediate attention!

Well, something you can do is at least work on trying to
verify/reproduce a bug, or asking for more information if you cannot
reproduce it.  That would save developers a lot of time because if you
can reproduce it then you can make sure the bug report has enough
information for a developer to reproduce it, too.

The fact that you work on Windows isn't necessarily a bad thing here.

I wouldn't mess with the bug priorities per se, at least until we have a
"standard" for what they mean that you could follow.  Personally I tend
to consider crashers and data corruption/data loss bugs to be extremely
high priority, and everything else is lower priority.

> But I'm happy to talk about it!  :-)
> Colin


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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