can I get info on quanties from bill splits?

Shane Litherland litherland-farm at
Wed Feb 1 21:31:50 EST 2012

Hi Derek

I've looked at some of the .scm files,
I am thinking what might work for me, is copying the 'quantity' commands
for the invoice.scm into a customised version of the register.scm

My first step would naturally be to save a copy of the register.scm with
a new name so I can play with it.
That means then going through and e.g. changing the define lines from
'register' to 'my-bastardisation-of-an-otherwise-workable-register'
or something similar... ;-)

Before I crash headlong into that, a quick 'find' shows 'register' in
other command pieces such as 
and others.

are these commands/modules defined 'freestanding' (i.e. the register.scm
is calling them from elsewhere) and therefore I don't go changing their
leading name, or are they all referring back to earlier defines within
this register.scm file, in which case if I start changing the filename
and main define, I'd have to diligently work through and change any
'children' bits..?

I can handle wading through it and slowly deciphering things, just
wanted to get some superior advice before I continue.


On Wed, 2012-02-01 at 11:07 -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Shane Litherland <litherland-farm at> writes:
> > Hi again,
> >
> > I decided to enter fuel purchases (using Bill splits) as
> > 'quantity'=litres and 'unit price'=cents/litre.
> > previously I'd just put in unit=1 and total price.
> >
> > I'd hoped to be able to report on the number of litres purchased in a
> > given time (e.g. for fuel tax accounting).
> >
> > The detail that posts to A/P and onwards to expense/tax accounts though,
> > seems only to be the total of each split (I don't accumulate splits).
> > The quantity/units info seems only to be visible in the individual
> > bills. Which means I have to look up each bill and note down the litres
> > e.g. in a spreadsheet, in order to tally up litres for a period.
> >
> > Have I missed something basic here? Is there a way to 'see' the quantity
> > info e.g. as part of a report on the fuel expense account? or as a field
> > in the ledger of that account? My fiddling around with reports to date
> > has not revealed an answer.
> >
> > The info has to be there somewhere for me to see it in individual
> > bills... I just want to add it up... oh GNUcash why do you torment me
> > so, with your carrot just out of reach... ;-}
> There are no current reports to do what you want.  But one could write
> something based on a combination of the invoice report and aging report
> to iterate over all the invoices to accumulate your information.
> Patches (and home grown reports) always welcome.
> > -shane
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

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