QIF import not working?

Richard judgesinel at netscape.net
Wed Jan 25 11:38:18 EST 2012

The QIF file is not empty and there is no error message, it is exactly 
as explained. I do not know how to embellish this further other than to 
create pictures of the process I have followed. I simply expected 
additional information other than the obvious which I suppose occurs?

This takes a short while to import

Next step is blank?

Forward after this step even picks up my local currency, but I can find 
nothing imported, even though it has clearly gone through the process?


On 25/01/2012 04:23 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Liz<edodd at billiau.net>  writes:
>> On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 21:45:43 +0200
>> Richard<judgesinel at netscape.net>  wrote:
>>> Wow, is that it?
>>> Perhaps the QIF is broken or has no transactional data in it?
>>> Gee Derek, I hope your not the expert on Gnucash.
>> Maybe not the expert, but he certainly has written a lot of it.
> Moreover, Richard, it's not like you gave any information that would
> help!  It's not like I can gaze into my crystal ball and see your QIF
> file, or error messages, or gnucash.trace file, or anything else that
> would help debug the problem.
> SO... Using my experience I pointed you to what the problem is the vast
> majority of the time:  a QIF file that doesn't contain the data that you
> think it does.
> I'm sorry if you considered my answer terse.
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

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