Too Many copies of the same File

Liz edodd at
Thu Jan 26 15:05:31 EST 2012

On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 12:41:44 -0500
Nick Manes <njmanes at> wrote:

> David, thanks for the tips, I have multiple Accounts that I keep and I
> updated them
>   sometimes 2-3 times a day , so you can see how it could get
> confusing for me. I just wish that it would not create backups l each
> time I make a change, Just
>   update my current file, But that said I still appreciate this
> product . Thanks to all

David was suggesting some changes in the way that you used Gnucash
to make that easier for you.
Open Gnucash straight up, rather than navigate to the directory with
the files and opening the individual file.
Then set the preferences to reduce the number of days of backups held.

At present you may be cursing those multiple files, but they are a
blessing if you really need them due to file loss or corruption.

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