Grand Total in Transaction report

Sutton Hill Church shchurch at
Thu Jul 19 17:09:48 EDT 2012

Dear Maf

I've attached a copy of the file for you to examine. For Data Protection,
I've gone through the copy and changed the text in the descriptions.

I've also attached a copy of a Report in PDF Format.


-----Original Message-----
From: Maf. King [mailto:maf at] 
Sent: 19 July 2012 10:20
To: gnucash-user at
Cc: Sutton Hill Church
Subject: Re: Grand Total in Transaction report

On Thu 19 July 12 09:14:51 Sutton Hill Church wrote:

> Surely if I have only entered 1 income transaction, for example 
> £144.00, the total amount should read as £144.00, not £288.00? Or, 
> alternatively, should it read zero, as you are entering the splits 
> values on the Debit Side (positive values) and the total income on the
Credit Side (negative value)?


I've just run a transaction report on a split transaction, and I'm not
seeing "dualling" of the total.

Just a bit of wondering here:  
What account type are the Income and Envelope accounts?
Where does the money end up - is it in a Bank Account, so is there perhaps
another transaction from the income account, causing double reporting?
What if you just report on the envelopes tree or income account?

If you want to send me your data file off-list so I can have a better look
at things, feel free.  Totally up to you, of course. (but it sounds like
there isn't much sensitive info in there yet!)


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