GNUcash Stock Quote Auto retrieve Ubuntu 12.04

Flynn, Oweson O Oweson.Flynn at
Fri May 4 08:21:37 EDT 2012


I am not a Unix / Linux expert, but I can assist with why you can't find a log file.

You are re-directing the output to null.
The command in your crontab is:
gnucash --add-price-quotes /peter/Documents/gnuCash\ Datafiles/Personal\Accounts/Personal\ Accounts > /dev/null 2>&1

Change it to 
gnucash --add-price-quotes /peter/Documents/gnuCash\ Datafiles/Personal\Accounts/Personal\ Accounts > /peter/Documents/crontab.log 2>&1

To explain a bit more of redirection in Linux (as I understand it) - 
Device 1 is standard out (your 'normal' output), device 2 is standard error (error messages). The bit after the first > says send the standard output to the log file. The 2>&1 tell Linux to send the error output (device 2) to the same location as device 1 (the standard output)

By doing this, you are changing the destination of the output of the command from a null file (/dev/null) to a file called crontab.log in the directory /peter/Documents
Obviously you can change the location and/or the name of the log file to anything appropriate.

However, I assume you find that the log file will probably will same error message that you got when you ran the command from a terminal window.  I have no way to assist you in resolving that, unfortunately!

Oweson Flynn
Haiku's are easy 
But sometimes they don't make sense 


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 13:28:38 +0100
From: Peter Sewell <petersewell1969 at>
To: gnucash-user at
Subject: GNUcash Stock Quote Auto retrieve Ubuntu 12.04
	<CAD3RFwDtn4mKghacw5rPVtytq6Y-58Ay7opiXLEsgEYsjym7mw at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


I have been using GNUcash for years now and very pleased with it. I was
using it on Ubuntu 10.04 / 10.10 / 11.04 & 11.10 successfully but now that
I've upgraded to 12.04 I can't get the Stock / Price Quote to automatically
update using the same script command in CRON.

Can you help?

I have the following entry in my CRONTAB settings:

gnucash --add-price-quotes /peter/Documents/gnuCash\ Datafiles/Personal\
Accounts/Personal\ Accounts > /dev/null 2>&1

This used to work absolutely fine - it has a setting for every hour Monday
to Friday.

I can't find a CRON log in my system. Is there any way to create a log file
so I can see if it's erroring.

When I type the command in a terminal window is gives this message (If I
take the /dev/null command off)

gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at
configure time.

Found Finance::Quote version 1.17

Can you help?

Many thanks


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