Retirement Accounts hierarchy: "Investments" top level account

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sat Oct 20 12:46:01 EDT 2012

gt500kr wrote:

>All right, it makes sense now. I didn't know account trees were actually
>I guess I'll follow the methodology in chapter 8.2 of the Tutorials &
>Concepts Guide. It just makes more sense to me to leave investments in
>the Assets, retirement or not.
>I hope this helps other future new users with the same question.
It's even "bigger" than that.

Any account trees provided as "built in" coming along with gnucash are 
just shortcut examples which might help people with little or no 
bookkeeping experience get started. Something concrete they might look 
at. But that's all.

IN GENERAL, the first step in creating a set of books for an entity is 
to create the "chart of accounts". That's the account tree specific to 
the needs of THIS particular entity, needs which may well be unique 
though usually the account trees of similar sorts of entities have at 
least vaguely similar trees. Nor is this ever a finished task. Over time 
it may become necessary to add accounts to the tree, rearrange the tree, 
etc. as the needs and economic life of the entity dictate.

Michael D Novack, FLMI

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