Hotkeys and user interface

John Ralls jralls at
Mon Sep 3 11:43:09 EDT 2012

On Sep 2, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Algeorge <agm.alistairgg at> wrote:

> Hi I had been using Skrooge accounting for some time after Quicken, and had
> previously used GNUcash, but the data entry I found earlier using GNUcash to
> be much less intuitive than either of Quicken or Skrooge.
> Now GNUcash is much improved. However there are a few areas I need to be
> educated in as I feel there must be ways of doing the following correctly:
> 1..Splits are used a lot, which means opening the split transaction. The
> method of Alt-A, release Alt, P seems convoluted, and clicking the menu item
> is also. 

You might find View>Autosplit Mode useful. It automatically opens the split view for the active transaction.

> 2..When using a split transaction is memorized, the percentages of each
> split allocation when using Skrooge and Quicken are also memorized, so that
> when the new TOTAL is entered in credit or debit, the splits are
> recalculated according to previous split percentages. GNUcash uses old
> values which unbalance the allocation. EG previous split may have had total
> $57.50 splits $40 $17.50 new total $59.90 splits $40 $17.50 with unbalance
> $2.40

Yes, that's correct. Computing the percentage is an interesting approach, but I can't off the top of my head think of many cases where it would be correct.

> 3..Autofill works perfectly in Quicken and Skrooge, but there is an
> unexpected behaviour in GNUcash eg when remembered payee Countdown is typed
> thusly: Cou(at this point the rest of ntdown is filled in)ntdownnt   and I
> have continued typing, which appends nt. Something to do with the speed of
> autofill. The only method it seems, is to look at what we are typing, but
> when you are fast, you dont look at an entry as its being typed.

Hmm. I haven't experienced that behavior at all. When I keep typing after the autofill, it switches to overtype mode and keeps filling in. Only typing a right-arrow key accepts the autofill as-is and leaves one in the Description field to accept more typing.

John Ralls

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